Dream. Create. Evolve

Crafting Journey

My Thoughts on Writing
Welcome to my journal. I dedicated this small space to my musings on the craft of writing. As an ardent lover of the minutiae of writing, I believe that writing is a profound form of self-expression that transcends dimensions. Through writing, one can explore the depths of their imagination, capture the essence of humanity, and weave stories that resonate with readers. It is a transformative art that allows me to channel my innermost observations and shape them into something tangible. Each word, sentence, and paragraph holds immense power, enabling me to convey my ideas and connect with others on a profound level. Writing is not merely a skill; it is a lifelong journey of self-discovery, growth, and endless possibilities. Join me as we embark on this captivating voyage through the beauty and magic of storytelling.

The Lowdown

I’m always looking for beta readers. If you would like to “volunteer your self as tribute”, please fill out the form below. I will place you in my Beta Reader file and contact you when its time for the lottery. If you no longer want to be a Beta Reader, you can unsubscribe by emailing me at minkoptout@minkberrystudio.com. Fill out the email body indicating that you no longer wish to be a beta reader for MinkBerry Studio Publishing.

What you do

You will read a rough manuscript of my book, fill out a small form, get to give me your thought about it, etc. It’s pretty straight forward. I will send you a soft email a week before I send out the manuscript to ask if you have the time to participate as a beta reader. If you can not do it for any reason please say so, this does not mean I will not reach out to you the next time I’m in need of a beta reader. The only time I will not contact you is if you ask to be removed from the team.

I want to get to know you and answer any questions you may have, so I will hold two group Zoom meetings. (1) Before you are given the manuscript (2) When the majority of Beta Reader Feedback Forms (BRFFs) have been returned. These will be the only hard emails I send out with specified times and dates. I will send out a second soft email to gauge where everyone is and if anyone needs to drop out for any reason. Again, no pressure and no penalties.

I will reiterate everything laid out here and more in your introductory email once you commit to joining the team for each project. So don’t panic if you can’t remember what you have to do or how it will go. This is just a rough sketch so you know what my expectations will be.

What You Get

As a Beta Reader you will receive credit in the up coming book , a free copy of the published manuscript, and a signed book poster. How you receive these goodies (digital or hard copy) will be up to you once you complete your BRFF.
